Sport and Recreation
There are plenty of opportunities to join a sporting group and get active. Boyup Brook has fantastic facilities for a small town and offers sports for all ages including football, tennis, cricket, bowls, badminton, golf and more! Take a yoga class, get off the beaten track or out into nature - canoe along the Blackwood, go for a bushwalk or jump on your bike. The Boyup Brook community swimming pool is a popular meeting place with water aerobics classes, swimming lessons, a lap pool swimming group, toddlers pool, kiosk, diving board, small gym, bbqs and lots of shaded green grass.
Discover wildflower hotspots in spring, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the many tracks and trails, parks, camping and picnic spots in the town and surrounds.
On our Communities page under “Community Directory” you will find contact details for sporting and community groups.
KidSport enables eligible Boyup Brook children aged 5 - 18 years to participate in community sport and recreation by offering them financial assistance towards club fees.
Parents and guardians must now apply for KidSport online. To access the online application, visit
Information for Clubs
Clubs must now register for a KidSport online account visit the for more details.
Sport and Recreation (WA) now process all KidSport applications for the Shire of Boyup Brook. When the application is submitted online it will be sent directly through to the KidSport team who will determine if the child meets the eligibility criteria.
What does this mean for Clubs?
For all children who reside in the Shire of Boyup Brook you only need to enter the voucher code to validate the voucher. An invoice does not need to be created for the local government. Once the voucher has been validated an automatic payment will collect all validated vouchers and Sport and Recreation (WA) will pay your club directly. Within this process an invoice will be created and can be accessed in the club portal.
To ensure you receive payment PLEASE ENSURE YOUR DETAILS IN THE SYSTEM ARE ACCURATE i.e. club name, bank details and ABN.
If you have children who reside in all other local governments please ensure you still create an invoice and send it to the local government.
If you are not sure how to validate a voucher please refer to the how to guide in the section ‘ Redeem a KidSport voucher”
If you are not sure how to create an invoice please refer to the how to guide in the section ‘ Create invoice for local government payment”