Australia Day Breakfast and Annual Award Ceremony
Join us at Sandakan Park (next to Shire Administration Office) on 26 January for our Australia Day Breakfast and Annual Award Ceremony. The days commences at 8.30am and includes a free breakfast, Annual Awards Ceremony and free pool entry all day.
As part of the Australia Day Breakfast, join us in celebrating amazing members of our community as we honour them for their contribution by acknowledging them with the Young Achiever of the Year Award, Sports Person of the Year Award, Kevin Henderson Memorial Award and Citizen of the Year Award.
All residents, visitors and friends are welcome to attend.
For a list of past award recipients click HERE
Boyup Brook Country Music Muster and WA Country Music Awards
The annual Boyup Brook Country Music Muster will take place from February 14 to 16, 2025, at "Music Park" on Jackson Street. Celebrating over 35 years, this is WA's largest country music festival.
The Western Australian Country Music Awards aim to recognise and support dedicated WA artists pursuing a career in country music. With 12 award categories, these awards provide a valuable platform to showcase your talent before an expert judging panel.
Located in the South West, Boyup Brook—WA's Country Music Capital—is 267 kilometres from Perth.
The festival is one of WA's premier events, attracting music lovers and campers alike. Several temporary community camping sites are conveniently within walking distance of "Music Park."
For more details, contact the Country Music Club at (08) 9765 1657 or via email at
Further information is available on our website:
Mayanup Camp Draft
Every year, on the Labour Day long weekend in March, the Mayanup Campdraft Assoc. holds a camp draft at Mayanup Recreation Grounds, 15 kms south of Boyup Brook.
Campdrafting is a unique Australian sport involving a horse and rider working cattle. The Mayanup Campdraft Assoc. held its first campdraft 1991 and have been successfully holding campdrafts every year since.
Visit the recreation grounds as a spectator during the event and you will be impressed by the tremendous horsemanship and courage displayed by the competitors.
Contact Jo Melville mobile 0428 198803 for more information.
Boyup Brook CD Dodd Easter Rodeo
Held on the Easter weekend each year, a weekend of rodeo action, music, stalls and excitement. Camp out and be right where the action is.
For more information visit
Anzac Day - 2023
ANZAC Day is one of Australia’s most important national occasions, marking the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australia and New Zealand forces during the First World War.
The Returned & Services League Boyup Brook Sub-Branch extends an open invitation to everyone to attend the ANZAC Day Commemoration Services on 25th April.
The Dawn Service commences at 5.30am at the War Memorial (Abel Street), followed by a Gunfire Breakfast in the Boyup Brook Town Hall for a gold coin donation.
The Morning Service commences at 10.45am at the War Memorial. Ex-servicemen and emergency services workers and volunteers are welcome to march, please assemble at 10.30am outside the old Commonwealth Bank site located on Abel Street. Morning Tea is available on completion of the service at the Boyup Brook Town Hall.
Sandakan Memorial Service
At Sandakan Park, located behind the Shire office, the Sandakan Memorial Service honours prisoners of war who lost their lives in the Borneo Death Marches. The Service is held on the second Tuesday in September and is a collaboration between the RSLWA Boyup Brook Sub-Branch and the Shire of Boyup Brook. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Blackwood Marathon Relay
The Blackwood Marathon Relay is held on the last Saturday of October each year. Teams in this event comprise of 5 members; a runner, a canoeist, a swimmer, an equestrian and a cyclist. The race begins in Boyup Brook with a 12km running course, and finishes in Bridgetown after journeying around 60kms through some of Western Australia’s most picturesque countryside in the Blackwood River Valley.
For more information visit
Boyup Brook Rodeo
Held on the last Saturday of October each year, a weekend of rodeo action, music, stalls and excitement. Camp out and be right where the action is.
For more information visit
Remembrance Day
Everyone is welcome to attend the wreath laying service on 11th November at 11.00am at the War Memorial (Abel Street).
Upper Blackwood Agricultural Show
On the first Tuesday in November (Melbourne Cup Day), the Upper Blackwood Agricultural Society hosts the annual Agricultural Show at the Dinninup Show Grounds, 17 kms east of Boyup Brook on the Arthur River Road.
Since the first show in 1918, the ‘Dinninup Show’ has been a big social event in Boyup Brook – even the local schools close to participate in the show.
For more information visit
Community Christmas Celebrations
Save the first Friday evening in December and get into the Christmas spirit at the annual Boyup Brook Community Christmas celebrations. Enjoy a sausage sizzle, carols, kids activities, a visit from Santa and much, much more!