Public Health and the Environment  

Environmental and Public Health services are provided to protect, promote and improve public health and wellbeing of people within our community. A Public Health and Wellbeing Plan is currently being developed to embrace and support the expected standards of public health today and into the future for the Shire.

There is a focus on ensuring legislative requirements are met to assist prevent adverse health impacts on our people and the environment.

This includes monitoring, management and advice on a variety of public health and environmental matters such as:

  • Water quality, recreational and domestic
  • Food safety
  • Event compliance
  • Public buildings
  • Infectious diseases
  • Liquor licensing
  • Keeping of animals –see Health Local Laws
  • Caravan parks and camping
  • Effluent disposal  
  • Smoking in public places
  • Waste management – see Waste Local Laws
  • Asbestos
  • Public Health legislation and Health Local Laws.

Ensuring all water used for drinking, food production and recreation is safe.  The Shire provides water quality testing for premises that rely on rainwater for drinking water supplies on a cost recovery basis. Please call the Shire Office to arrange for sampling.

The Boyup Brook swimming pool is regularly tested to ensure the high standards are maintained for all swimmers.