Emergency Information

The Shire has developed plans and structures to bring together government, voluntary and private agencies in a coordinated way to deal with major emergencies through its Local Emergency Management Committee. Plans cover the whole spectrum of emergency needs, including prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.

The Shire’s Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) is a committee established under the Emergency Management Act that advises and assists the Shire in ensuring that local emergency management arrangements are established for its district.

The LEMC membership draws on the Shire of Boyup Brook, WA Police Service, Department of Fire and Emergency Services, St John Ambulance, DFES Fire and Rescue Service and Department for Community Development.

An Emergency Management Evacuation Plan has also been created by the Shire of Boyup Brook to deal with bushfires, floods, severe weather, hazardous materials incident and civil disturbances.

Australian Warning System

Our climate is complex but now there’s a new simple warning system for natural disasters. There are three warning levels that are the same for bushfires, storms, floods, cyclones and heatwaves. These warning levels move up and down to reflect the risk to your life or property, before during and after a natural disaster.  Learning these three levels, and how to respond to them, could save your life. Get to know the new warning system by visiting www.emergency.wa.gov.au/aws 

       Click the picture for more information

Emergency Numbers

For Police, Fire and Ambulance emergencies please call 000

Boyup Brook Soldiers Memorial Hospital 9765 0222
After Hours Trees on Roads 0448 833 102
Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Line 1300 659 467
RuralLink 1800 552 002
Beyondblue 1300 224 636
Boyup Brook Police Station 9762 1666
Bunbury Police Station 9722 2111
Non-urgent assistance 13 14 44
Utility Emergency Help
Water Corporation 13 13 75
Western Power 13 13 51