Arts and Culture
Boyup Brook has a diverse and colourful arts and cultural community which buzz with creative energy. Visit the "Explore" page on the Shire website or The Boyup Brook Tourism Association website ( or to find out more about what to do and see in town.
Boyup Brook is the country music capital of WA. Thousands visit the town in February each year for a weekend of events including live performances, the acclaimed West Australian Country Music Awards, the Boyup Ute and Truck Muster, Boyup Brook Art Awards, colourful Street Carnival, and the famous WA's Bush Poets Breakfast.
Harvey Dickson's Country Music Centre is a must-see – an iconic testament to music and a love of the land, also renowned for its annual Rodeo in October. See The ‘Dinninup Show’ is another signature event – even the local schools declare it a public holiday! The charming District Pioneers Museum displays a range of authentic buildings, vehicles and historical equipment celebrating the past and evoking memories of a bygone era. The Craft group meets once a week for a day of friendship and activities. Girl Guides, St John Ambulance Service, Volunteer Bushfire Service, Mens Shed, RSL, Lions Club as well as a range of community based incorporated bodies operate in Boyup Brook.
There are a variety of social groups, a strong community spirit and many opportunities to volunteer and become involved. The library is linked to the State Library and has a wide range of books and DVDs available. From theatre to textiles, from music to writing, from wood turning to visual arts - there are art and cultural activities happening across the community and age sectors.
Culture in its widest sense is about what matters to people and communities.
It is about relationships, shared memories and experience. It is about identity, history and a sense of place. It is about different ethnic, social and religious backgrounds found in our communities.
Culture is: “Our sense of place, our values and our identity". The material products of creative processes – culture includes cultural assets and resources. It is about the things we consider valuable for passing onto future generations and is our way of connecting the present to the past and the future.
Visit the annual events page for information on local cultural events. On our Communities page under “Community Directory” you will find links to our creative people - our artists and arts organisations.
For the size of our town Boyup Brook is home to many artists and art groups. From theatre to textiles, from music to writing, from wood turning to visual arts - there are arts activities happening across the community and age sectors. So if you are interested in ceramics or singing, painting or scribbling there is plenty of opportunity for you to get creative.
Sandy Chambers has been Boyup Brook's Resident Artist since 1964!
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